Agenda for Twente
The joint investment agenda of the government, knowledge and educational institutions and the business community in Twente. Together we are committed to a strong economy, sufficient employment and enough talent to fill all vacancies. But also for smart technology, sustainability, clean energy, good accessibility and a beautiful living and working environment. Everything that concerns you too.
Socio-economic challenge
Happy people perform better, both at work and in their social lives. That’s why, through the Agenda for Twente 2023 - 2027, we are working together to increase Gross Twente Happiness. We do this by investing in an economy focused on broad prosperity. An economy where entrepreneurship doesn’t detract from value but creates it: value for people, nature, and society. In Twente, the economy of the future is not solely about financial growth; it’s about flourishing well-being as well.
The Agenda for Twente focuses on the long-term challenges facing the region. Strengthening the broad Twente business community is central to our goals, which makes attracting, training, and retaining talent at all levels essential. This talent seeks to live and work in an accessible and enjoyable region. Our agenda addresses three key societal challenges: a smart, future-proof energy supply; transformation to a sustainable and circular economy; and innovative healthcare. In these areas, we connect opportunities identified by businesses with Twente's strong knowledge base.

Would You Like to Contribute?
Get in touch with Twente Board Development to explore how your idea or proposal aligns with the Agenda for Twente or to learn about similar initiatives in the region. Twente Board Development uses the KRACHT criteria to evaluate project proposals. We view the commitment from the business sector as an essential criterion, as it directly relates to the long-term sustainability of projects.